Blues scale chords

You can find out how to use guitar scale patterns on this page: Guitar Scale Patterns For more information on playing blues scales all over the neck, visit this page: Blues Scale Guitar You can use the blues scale patterns below to play blues scales … 12 Bar Blues Blues Guitar Chords Popular Chords. Let’s learn the blues scales on piano and keyboard in every key. The name pentatonic scale has been derived from the fact that it contains 5 different notes. Whenever you hear a rock or metal guitar solo, there’s a good chance that it’s derived from this scale. It is used in all types of music Blues, Rock, Jazz, Metal, Funk, Electronica, everything really! 9 Blues Guitar Chords to Rock The House! Popular. The harmony of Blues music is not usually sophisticated. THAT is what we have been taught. Or, in the same way, the G Blues Scale with the chords G7, C7 and D7.
Each chord within the progression will use a blues scale starting on its root. You can use either of these positions for the 1, 4 or 5 chords in a blues progression, but it's most common to use the E form for the 1 chord and the A form for the 4 and 5 chords.

From scales, to soloing, to chord positions / progressions, knowing where each guitar note without having to think about it will put you well ahead of other guitarists who have not mastered this yet. C Pentatonic works over those chords as well as Am7, Cmaj7. Further reading: 12-bar blues. This guide will give you some background information regarding how the notes on your guitar fretboard are laid out and of . Blues guitar chords can be any major chords used to play blues in any key, but some, like E and A, sound more bluesy than others. Over the I CHORD play the Major or Minor SCALE of the I chord; e.g., if you’re I CHORD is A7 you play the A Minor SCALE … King or Buddy Guy. The Blues Scale is an extension of The Pentatonic Scale with the addition of one extra note, the Blues note A flat 5th in this key it's the G flat They add a little bit of jazz flavor. 12 Blues Guitar Scales - Beyond Pentatonics This lesson will explore the many different blues guitar scales used in all the blues sub-genres. A Blues Scale Guitar Patterns. The Blues is interesting in that there is no one scale for the whole progression. For the purist, most blues chords add 7ths, but 9ths and 13ths can be used as well. To me what is confusing is why in a typical blues solo the minor SCALE of the I CHORD works over the IV and the V chord. The F pentatonic can be used over chords Dm7, Fmaj7 and G7sus (chords that contain F). You can, for example, combine C Blues Scale with C7, F7 and G7 chords. The Blues Scale might be the most widely used scale ever. The chord shape and guitar tuning plays a big part too. Bear in mind that there are no set rules on which chords you can play, but there are staple chords that have defined the blues sound for over century. A 7#9 can be used for the V7 chord in any blues progression. …produces the C major pentatonic blues scale: Learn the following major pentatonic Blues scales: C major pentatonic Blues scale: F major pentatonic Blues scale: G major pentatonic Blues scale: …for the 1-chord, 4-chord, and 5-chord in the key of C major.