Shoulder impingement exercises PDF

Impingement syndrome is characterized by pain in the shoulder due to inflammation of the rotator cuff tendons or the subacromial bursa from being pinched during shoulder motion. Sitting or standing SHOULDER IMPINGEMENT PAGE 6 SHOULDER IMPINGEMENT • Keep your arms relaxed. Let your arm move in a circle, first clockwise, then It is imperative that you undergo a thorough warm-up to get your blood flowing. Length of program: This shoulder conditioning program should be continued for 4 to 6 weeks, unless otherwise specified by your doctor or physical therapist. The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles that surround the shoulder and are Rock from yourback foot to your front foot. After your recovery, these exercises can be continued as a maintenance • If one shoulder is lower, ‘square’ it by lifting that one, UP and back. It’s best to remain generally active and try to get some level of exercise every day. If your pain increases when exercising, stop doing it and seek medical advice. Equipment needed: Chair,towel, pillow, light weights. Shoulder Warm-Up Exercises. Impingement syndrome is characterized by pain in the shoulder due to inflammation of the tendons of the rotator cuff or the bursa (subacromial bursa) that sits between the rotator cuff and the roof of the shoulder (acromion). Here is a list of warmups that will help loosen your shoulder blades, muscles and joints prior to exercising. Shoulder impingement usually responds well to physical therapy, which uses gentle exercises to rebuild strength and range of motion. The rotator cuff is a series of four muscles that surround the ball of … Shoulder pain Keeping active with shoulder pain It’s important to keep active, although you should aim for a balance between rest and exercise. • Do not let your back arch, breathe! q Bendforward at the hips so that your arm hangs down freely. Shoulder Impingement (page 2) Gentle Exercises Theseexercises can help you to move better and lessen your shoulder pain. • Hold it for 10 seconds, repeat 10 times.

Shoulder blade exercises 1. Treating shoulder pain often takes time but learning how to get rid of shoulder pain through exercise is very simple. • ‘Square’ your shoulder blades back.