Small child syndrome

Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome in children .

If it is inherited, it is passed on in an autosomal dominant manner – this means that if one parent is affected half their children will inherit the condition.

What are the symptoms of Muenke syndrome? Jacobsen syndrome is also associated with an increased likelihood of autism spectrum disorders, which are characterized by impaired communication and socialization skills. It is characterized by stunted growth and limb or facial asymmetry. Russell-Silver syndrome (RSS), sometimes called Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS), is a congenital condition. Russell Silver Syndrome. But it can be the first sign of a disease that damages the kidney’s tiny blood-filtering units, called glomeruli, where urine is made. Find a Therapist.

Restless Leg Syndrome in children. Jacobsen syndrome causes a wide range of symptoms and physical defects. What is a syndrome? The gene mutation can be passed on from parent to child but in many cases develops sporadically (out of the blue). Stop Overreacting to the Small Stuff. Jacobsen syndrome is also characterized by distinctive facial features.
Only Child Syndrome.

Down syndrome can affect how a person looks and thinks, and it's sometimes linked with other health problems, as well. Learn everything you need to know about Down's syndrome, including why it happens, how it's diagnosed, and what life is like for babies and children with Down's syndrome.

How childhood epilepsy syndromes are diagnosed, details of some specific syndromes and sources of further support. Nephrotic Syndrome The nephrotic syndrome is not itself a disease.

Getting in Your Own Way.
A syndrome is a group of signs or symptoms that happen together and help to identify a unique medical condition. What is a ‘childhood epilepsy syndrome’? One of the initial symptoms parents may notice is abnormally slow growth, both in the womb and after birth. Slapped cheek syndrome (also called fifth disease or parvovirus B19) is a viral infection that's most common in children, although it can affect people of any age. The "I Feel Like a Child" Syndrome.

Down's syndrome (trisomy 21) affects about one baby in every 1,000. Parental Alienation Syndrome. advertisement. It … Middle Child Syndrome.

You Can Control Your Emotions.