Traits of a nurse

Americans have consistently recognized the honest and ethical qualities of a nurse. If you have experienced this you will understand that the qualities of a good nurse are more than just how much theory they know in order to pass an exam. Nurses have great power. Top Qualities of Nurses. To a hospitalized patient, the ward nurse often becomes an advocate, caregiver, friend and confidante. Nurses are flexible, future thinkers are honest about their own strengths and look for an action environment that supports their ideas. Patience

Registered nurses complete a bachelor's or associate's degree and pass a national licensing exam. Qualities of a Good Nurse.

22. While the aforementioned are required of any nurse, there are also intangibles that make a good nurse, such as personality traits. Hospitals, physicians' offices, homes and nursing facilities are common workplaces. Certain qualities of a good nurse are essential when asking for a raise, applying for a new job or asking for a job promotion. A good nurse can be the key to a patient’s recovery. You have to master the ability to work with a range of people, most of whom have different personalities, skills, and education. *Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. To be a nurse, however, you will first need to complete several years worth of schooling, a residency program to gain real-world experience as well as gain certification. Just caring about people isn't enough; in some cases, caring too much destroys objectivity and decreases effectiveness. Characteristics of an Effective Nurse. Leadership: Nurses are, essentially, there to care for a patient until a doctor is necessary or to assist a doctor. I’ve learned a lot through the years about the characteristics of healthcare organizations whose nursing excellence is evident, even palpable. … Those who succeed in nursing and gain the most personal fulfillment from it start their careers with certain unique qualities. 5. When it comes to promoting professional nurses, the following are some of the traits hiring managers and nurse managers are looking for.

“As a nurse, we have the opportunity to heal the heart, mind, soul and body of our patients, their families and ourselves. As an RN, you can work in a variety of setting and specialized areas. Unlike many other personality traits, patience is something that, if it does not come naturally to you, you can work on to improve over time. These qualities help nurses to provide efficient services to their patients and be able to work as a team to accomplish their duties. Educators must possess a wealth of tools to help teach, facilitate learning and inspire curiosity and a desire to learn. Communication Skills