hospital' in spanish masculine or feminine

Masculine or Feminine By Spanishbytes on May 28, 2016 in Beginners , Grammar That is the question that you will have to start to consider very early on in your path to learning Spanish. What follows are some tips to help you establish the gender of Spanish nouns: 1. Hi everyone! Now, what about the noun agua (wat If you have been studying Spanish, you probably know that nouns in Spanish have gender.For example, the word libro (book) is a masculine noun. Rocket Languages - Love your language-learning journey . Example: I … Thanks to all! Lv 7. Grammar-The Gender of Nouns. Relevance. Nouns ending in -o. Answer Save.

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Lv 7. Login to reply the answers Post; GuFo. ). 3 Answers. The sentence is saying in Spanish, "The capital of Bolivia..." Is the word capital (in spanish) masculine or feminine? Should it be el capital or la capital? Asked in Health, Hospitals, Plural Nouns What is the plural form for El hospital? No sé si es masculino o femenino * (I don't know whether it is masculine or feminine noun). *Please see grammar below . FluentU takes real-world videos, like music videos, commercials, news and inspiring talks, and turns them into Spanish learning experiences. Now you should practice replying to someone who says to you: Dime, ¿es “canción” masculino o femenino? As in el reloj. I really want to learn Spanish, first i thought that it was so easy but it's not that easy. Masculine and Feminine Spanish: 3 Details That Are Often Overlooked To get a better sense of these concepts and much more, look for examples of them on FluentU . LA Feminine. Start studying Spanish masculine or feminine. Capital- Feminine or masculine?

It's "La capital" 0 2 0. On the contrary, the noun pelota (ball) is feminine.If you want to use those nouns with their corresponding definite articles, you will say el libro (the book) and la pelota (the ball). I don't know which words are feminine or masculine. 1 decade ago.

GrahamH. I'm going to give you an example for what i mean. Is reloj in Spanish masculine or feminine? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. 0 0 0. …

Let's talk about gender. It is masculine. 1 decade ago.