how to keep kosher with one sink

Porcelain & Metal Sinks Because porcelain sinks are made of material that is not kasher-able, sink racks (that fit on the bottom of the sink and keep the dishes from touching the bottom) or a tub (which can be used for soaking the dishes) are put into the sink. If there is only one sink, it may be used after it has been completely cleaned, but the inside of the sink should be regarded as non-kosher. Making It Kosher. Sinks are kashered through irui [infusion]. Scrub the sink thoroughly. Having a kosher kitchen means that you keep two separate sets of dishes, silverware, napkins, and even refrigerators to serve or hold dairy and meat separately. But you should still kasher it when kashering your kitchen. Do you need sink racks? For more with Rabbi Elefant, watch OU & You! If the two sinks are adjoining, there should be an effective separation between them so that no water or food splashes from one sink to the other. If you have only one sink, even if it is stainless, it will quickly become unkosher through normal use. If the two sinks are adjoining, there should be an effective separation between them so that no water or food splashes from one sink to the other. Rabbi Elefant explains the best way to keep meat and dairy separate in a small living space. Very observant Jews take keeping kosher a step further by keeping their kitchen kosher.

If there is only one sink, it may be used after it has been completely cleaned, but the inside of the sink should be regarded as non-kosher. What do you do to separate meat or dairy if you only have space for one sink? A more lenient approach is to use separate rubber-coated racks, … But for many people two separate sinks are not an option.

If the two sinks are adjoining, there should be an effective separation between them so that no water or food splashes from one sink to the other. Get separate plastic tubs that fit in your sink, one for meat and one for dairy.

If this is not feasible, and one uses one sink for both meat and dairy, dishes and utensils should be placed and washed on a rack, so as not to touch the sink. No food or dishes should be put directly into non-kosher sinks. Ideally, it is best to have two kitchen sinks, one for meat and the other for dairy. No food or dishes should be put directly into non-kosher sinks.

The Sink: Separate sinks for washing dishes and preparing foods are recommended. There should be separate dishpans and slightly elevated … No food or dishes should be put directly into non …

This does not mean you cannot use your sink. If there is only one sink, it may be used after it has been completely cleaned, but the inside of the sink should be regarded as non-kosher. Keep your kitchen kosher. Separate racks are required for meat and dairy use.