mateship in a sentence

Times, Sunday Times … Examples of 'mateship' in a sentence mateship. Mateship is an Australian cultural idiom that embodies equality, loyalty and friendship. Russel Ward , in The Australian Legend (1958), saw the concept as a central one to the Australian people. Jon Cleary YESTERDAY'S SHADOW (2002) Mateship is often over-romanticised, but there is a particular sense of in-it-togetherness.

4. We value excellence as well as fairness, independence as dearly as mateship. mateship definition: Noun (usually uncountable, plural mateships) 1. 2. The strip's themes reflect mateship, tall tales and bush sayings. Today, mateship remains strong in Australian culture. Times, Sunday Times ( 2011 ) They are sentimental only about headgear and mateship. It's difficult to see mateship in a sentence . mateship. Use "mateship" in a sentence. It was a story about the old days of mateship and surfing, and how a road trip turned into a quest. Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. (countable and uncountable, nautical) The post of mate on a ship; a posting as mate. Read more… Friendship (he disliked the word mateship, which had become devalued) bound them like a chain. 16. Mateship; Tales of courage and of mateship;. Example sentences from the Web for . mateship in a sentence. 2. Mateship is often over-romanticised, but there is a particular sense of in-it-togetherness. 3.

Mateship in the modern day.

1. The Tall Poppy Syndrome is the opposite of mateship. Mateship derives from mate , meaning friend , commonly used in Australia as an amicable form of address . (uncountable) Fellowship; companionship. No one, who had lived under and seemed to accept the principle of mateship, had ever before done as Charley had done. These examples have been automatically selected and may contain sensitive content. Use mateships in a sentence, mateships meaning?, mateships definition, how to use mateships in a sentence, use mateships in a : 4. materiels definition: Noun 1. plural form of materiel These attracted so much attention that he was sent in the same year on an economic mission to England, which resulted in his publication : 3. The value of mateship is sourced in the difficulty of subduing the land.