non emergency medical transport services

Medicaid non-emergency medical transportation (NEMT) is an important benefit for beneficiaries who need to get to and from medical services but have no means of .

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The main difference between ambulance services and non-emergency medical transportation is urgency.

We offer non-emergency medical and specialty transportation in Houston, TX with services specifically tailored for wheelchair-bound, elderly, and disabled individuals. Nationwide State to State. The Code of Federal Regulations requires States to ensure that eligible, qualified Medicaid beneficiaries have NEMT to take them to and from providers. Our fleet … We have a combined 75 years in transport operations and provide our customers with outstanding care and service. A quality NEMT provider will match medical staff with the patient to ensure the best possible care.

Non-Emergency Medical Transport.

Non-emergency medical transportation, as its name suggests, offers medical transportation in non-emergency situations.

Medical Transport Services is a leading edge in long distance non emergency medical transportation providing high quality service and high quality care during transport. When you dial 911 and call for emergency help, an ambulance comes and picks you up. transportation. This is when non-emergency medical transport (NEMT) is beneficial. We are very proud of our organization and take great pride in our employees and our operations. In some cases, going home in a taxi cab or by other means of public transportation is not feasible or appropriate after having surgery or another medical procedure.

Non Emergency Medical Transport Cost .

However, every State’s Medicaid program is different. Ambulatory Transport Services We are thrilled to offer service and support to senior citizens or individuals with special needs who are ambulatory but still require some assistance getting to and from their destinations. ACC Medlink’s non-emergency medical transport services are provided by highly-qualified staff members who are not only prepared to provide transportation services, but also to assist with necessary personal hygiene and comfort requirements of patients who must travel long distances.

To start a medical transport business, whether emergency or non-emergency; the most important equipment you will need is an ambulance or van. You will need to get one with a manual or hydraulic lift to accommodate wheelchairs.