psychological effects of watching tv

Szabo A(1), Hopkinson KL. But did you know that TV can actually be harmful to you?

It is a result of dependence on new media and the widespread usage of smart phones connected to the Internet. The content of TV programs and the amount of time spent watching, rather than the medium itself, appear to be the primary sources of negative effects. Evidence about its effects is mixed. There’s a longer history of research into the effects of TV watching—and plenty of evidence suggesting that too much of it is bad for sleep, as well as mental and physical well being. ... the average American spends around 2.7 hours watching TV per ... psychologist and founder of … The study investigates binge-watching among a sample of Arab However, many of the cognitive effects of ICTs, positive or negative, are not well understood. Author information: (1)National Institute for Sport Talent Care, Budapest, Hungary. Watching TV is something which virtually everyone does. Negative psychological effects of watching the news in the television: relaxation or another intervention may be needed to buffer them! Binge TV-watching marks a new era of TV-watching behavior among youth. What happens to your brain when you binge-watch a TV series. Television viewing can, for example, increase your risk of premature death, reduce your level of intelligence, completely obliterate your ability to concentrate, physically impair the growing child brain, and increase your risk of developing neurodegenerative brain disorders. Here as elsewhere, further research is imperative.