teclis and tyrion

Ancestry. Tyrion's twin brother. Skill tree, unique abilities? 2. Tyrion or Teclis. Tyrion, through his father Arathion, is a descendant of Morelion, first-bon son of Astarielle, a past Everqueen, and Aenarion, the first Phoenix King. 3. He and his twin brother Teclis were opposites in every way. What about Teclis? August 2017 in General Discussion . Tyrion and Teclis played pivotal parts in the Great Chaos Incusion (the so-called Storm of Chaos), especially at the Battle of Finuval Plain.

Asur players, 1. Who will be your choice and why? The Legend []. Lothair888 Registered Users Posts: 56. Prince Tyrion was one of the greatest living warriors and Generals in Ulthuan and possibly even the world. To put of bluntly, Tyrion was the brawn to Teclis’ brains. Where Teclis was a mighty master of magic but physically weak, Tyrion was strong and a master of martial skills. He is currently the champion and consort of the current Everqueen. Personally I will start with Tyrion in a H2H campaign against my friend's Malekith. What do you expect from Tyrion as a Legendary lord? While Tyrion's "Aenarion's Curse" manifested in being a half step away from being Gollum for the Widowmaker, Teclis was born an anemic cripple with a bad cough instead.The book out right calls it "consumptive" which is an old time word for tuberculosis, not a fun disease at all (though unlike tuberculosis, Teclis' condition isn't communicable).