why does upstairs water taste different

Aerators can change how we taste water by introducing more air into the water. Depending on how the house is used some bathroom taps may be used less often than the kitchen tap so the water may site in the pipes longer between uses. Upstairs tap water is most often fed from a tank, the tank is oviously fed from the mains but the water sits and goes a little/ a lot rancid. So yes, water does have a taste. Where your water is sourced makes a huge difference in the flavor you taste when you drink. If you are in Portland Oregon your water comes from melted snow that runs down in mountain streams to the collection point. “Everyone can taste the difference. Every part of the US has different sources for their water. You might find your cold water tap downstairs is straight from the mains while your upstairs taps are supplied from a water tank. Amnorrageordie said: Downstairs comes off the main, upstairs is usually from a storage tank. And that’s most affected by: Where it’s from. Shares ... and tracing the causes of different tap water flavors can be just as complicated.

I see it on a daily basis. By Taylor Kubota - Live Science Contributor 22 April 2016. People are always amazed at how different water can taste.” Photographs by Sven Doornkaat courtesy of Martin Riese (Editor’s Note: An earlier version of this article incorrectly stated the 2016 winner of a national water taste competition as Bloomington, Indiana. Each may have different aerators or one may have none at all. Why Does My Water Taste Weird?