yellow fever countries

Yellow fever is an acute viral haemorrhagic disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes. Yellow fever vaccine recommendation maps Maps are available for a number of countries to illustrate where vaccine is recommended . The "yellow" in the name refers to the jaundice that affects some patients.

Description: Yellow fever is caused by the yellow fever virus, which is carried by mosquitoes.

All vaccination certificates are now valid for life, including older ones with an expiry date on them. Yellow Fever. Yellow Fever is a vaccine preventable disease. The exact requirements vary from country to country and may also vary from time to time. Occasionally travellers who visit yellow fever endemic countries may bring the disease to countries free from yellow fever. Table 1: Countries with risk of yellow fever transmission as per WHO Annex 1. Yellow fever vaccination certificate. The yellow fever virus can be transmitted by mosquitoes which feed on infected animals in forests, then pass the infection when the same mosquitoes feed on humans travelling through the forest. About yellow fever.

It is endemic in 33 countries in Africa and 11 countries in South America. Description: Yellow fever is caused by the yellow fever virus, which is carried by mosquitoes. In these cases the wording on the Country Information page, vaccine section must be used to determine the areas where vaccine is recommended.

Countries with risk of yellow fever transmission. Countries requiring proof of vaccination upon arrival from all other countries (as opposed to only upon arrival from endemic zones) for all travellers … ; Foreigners coming from Yellow fever endemic countries who will not produce a proof of Yellow fever vaccination may lead to refusal of entry or vaccinated and kept under close public health observation for not more than 10 days. Yellow fever vaccine is a vaccine that protects against yellow fever. Countries eligible for Gavi support can rely on the global stockpile of yellow fever vaccine for use in emergency outbreaks.

Proof of yellow fever vaccination should be required only if traveling from a country on the WHO list, unless otherwise specified. Note ; Travellers coming from countries which are NOT IN THE LIST ABOVE will not be subjected to Yellow fever screening and vaccination at points of entry upon arrival. The yellow fever virus can be transmitted by mosquitoes which feed on infected animals in forests, then pass the infection when the same mosquitoes feed on humans travelling through the forest. Some countries require a certificate showing you have been vaccinated before you're allowed entry.

The following is a list of countries which had yellow fever vaccination requirements as at mid-2006. The stockpile is managed by the International Coordinating Group on Vaccine Provision for Yellow Fever Control. Infection with the yellow fever virus causes varying degrees of disease, from mild symptoms to … Note that some countries require proof of Yellow Fever vaccination for entry (see list below). Yellow fever is a viral disease that is transmitted by several species of mosquito. Bolivia. Please refer to individual country pages for information and certificate requirements.

Angola. It is endemic in 33 countries in Africa and 11 countries in South America. Some countries have mandatory yellow fever vaccination requirements.

Vaccination is recommended for persons over 9 months of age travelling to or living in endemic areas. Summary of World Health Organization (WHO) Annex 1. The vaccine affords long term protection.

Some countries have mandatory yellow fever vaccination requirements. Occasionally countries have yellow fever vaccine recommendations but no map is available. In addition, certain countries have yellow fever certificate requirements. Residents of these countries are at risk of contracting the disease due to the high presence of female mosquitoes who carry the disease-causing virus.


In order to prevent such importation of the disease, many countries require proof of vaccination against yellow fever before they will issue a visa, particularly if travellers come from, or have visited yellow fever endemic areas. Symptoms of yellow fever include fever, headache, jaundice, muscle pain, nausea, vomiting and fatigue. Countries Requiring Proof of Yellow Fever Vaccination from U.S. Travelers Angola Burundi Cameroon Central African Republic Congo, Republic of Cote d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast) Democratic Republic of Congo French Guiana Gabon Ghana Guinea-Bissau Liberia Mali Niger Sierra Leone Togo Uganda

The following is a list of countries which had yellow fever vaccination requirements as at mid-2006. Yellow fever is an acute viral haemorrhagic disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes. A small proportion of patients who contract the virus develop severe symptoms and approximately half of those with severe disease die within seven to 10 days.
A yellow fever vaccine called Stamaril is available for travellers to protect against yellow fever.

Maps that illustrate the areas where yellow fever vaccination is recommended are available on this page and in the vaccine section of individual Country Information pages on our TravelHealthPro website.

It is caused by the yellow fever virus, which belongs to the Flaviviridae family. fever, chills, headache, muscle aches, joint aches, loss of appetite and ; nausea or vomiting. Africa.