DARPA Challenge 2019

CoSTAR posted highest overall score for Systems competition; BARCS took first place in Virtual competition. Final Event. 10/30/2019 With 50 total points, Coordinated Robotics finished in first place in the DARPA Subterranean (SubT) Challenge Virtual Tunnel Circuit event, and as the top self-funded team, earned $250,000. — DARPA (@DARPA) August 21, 2019 But the competition is far from over. The next two installments are the urban underground subdomain, sort of … AUG, 2021. DARPA Robotics Challenge (DRC) (Archived) The Department of Defense’s strategic plan calls for the Joint Force to conduct humanitarian, disaster relief, and related operations. SC2 is the first-of-its-kind collaborative machine-learning competition to overcome scarcity in the radio frequency spectrum. DARPA’s Microsystems Technology Office will hold a series of competitive events as the Agency’s next grand challenge—the Spectrum Collaboration Challenge (SC2)—unfolds over three years, starting in 2016. Cave Circuit. AUG 15-22, 2019 OCT 9, 2019.
Teams CoSTAR and BARCS Take Top Spots in DARPA Subterranean Challenge Urban Circuit . Urban Circuit. Eight teams developed, tested, and submitted their software-based solutions for simulation-based evaluation on the SubT Virtual Testbed. The DARPA Launch Challenge seeks to demonstrate new and groundbreaking capabilities to address emerging Department of Defense needs.
2/27/2020. NEWS. Eleven teams — seven funded by DARPA and four self-funded — will compete in the first round, the tunnel circuit, which is slated for Aug. 15-22 at a defunct Pennsylvania mine.

Three competitors successfully completed the qualification phase and will attempt to launch to low-Earth orbit from two different U.S. locations within a matter of weeks. 4/10/2019 The DARPA Launch Challenge aims to fundamentally shift military space capabilities to enable on-demand, flexible, and responsive launch of small payloads. FEB 18-27, 2020 JAN 30, 2020. Some disasters, due to grave risks to the health and wellbeing of rescue and aid workers, prove too great in scale or scope for timely and effective human response.

To Be Announced. The challenge will culminate in two separate launch competitions to low Earth orbit (LEO) within days of each other at different locations in the United States. DEFENSE ADVANCED RESEARCH PROJECTS AGENCY 675 North Randolph Street Arlington, VA 22203-2114 703.526.6630 Arlington, VA 22203-2114 703.526.6630