agapanthus soil preference

Avoid fertilizing Agapanthus plants with high nitrogen fertilizers in spring, which will force new leafy growth at the expense of flowering. However, they do better in partial shade in hot climate areas.
30cm apart and with crowns 5cm (2in) below the ground. Agapanthus grow best in well-drained soil, in a sunny site that receives sun for most of the day. Agapanthus thrive in full sun and need 6-8 hours of sunlight each day. Agapanthus Confusion.
Plant agapanthus in a suitable location. In their native environment agapanthus enjoy sunshine, fertile soil and adequate rainfall. How to grow agapanthus – agapanthus growing with grasses Full sun and a well-drained soil are the secrets to success with agapanthus.

Part-shade to full sun will be tolerated by agapanthus. They show no preference for pH, except Agapanthus africanus which prefers an acid soil. Plants are able to cope in a coastal situation and are not fazed by sea winds and salty air. Agapanthus have fleshy roots and leaves and this can make them prone to frost damage. These dramatic sun-loving border plants produce large spherical flowerheads, usually in beautiful shades of blue, from midsummer onwards. How to grow agapanthus. Below are some cultivation notes and recommendations for agapanthus planting combinations, plus horticulturalist Andy McIndoe lists the best agapanthus to grow in the garden. These sway on tall stems above clumps of strappy foliage. Agapanthus perform best in fertile, moist and well-drained soil. As the shade increases though, the flowering will decrease, so bear this in mind when selecting a spot. Spacing. Agapanthus praecox and Agapanthus campanulatus are much more forgiving garden subjects.

Quick facts. The best Agapanthus fertilizers will be fairly balanced, such as 10-10-10 or 5-5-5, or slightly higher in phosphorus than nitrogen . Agapanthus flourishes in moist, fertile, but well-drained soil. Some species, especially the evergreens, may not be fully hardy, so these are best grown in containers that can be brought indoors over winter. On heavy soils, mix in grit when planting.

If the site you’re thinking of still has water puddling 5 to 6 hours after a heavy rain, find somewhere else to plant your agapanthus. How to grow agapanthus - a complete guide Save With ... and Bishop Burton College in Yorkshire, where the soil and rainfall are heavier, and winters generally colder. Agapanthus need plenty of water, particularly if grown in pots. Soil and Site. In the garden. Numerous other species of Agapanthus are commonly grown in gardens across USDA zones seven and warmer. Most agapanthus have a … Good drainage is very important. Cultivation notes. Ensure that there is plenty of space for it to bulk out. With the exception of A. africanus, which likes its soil to be on the acidic side, agapanthus has no pH preference.