types of larvae and pupae

• Larval stage begins soon after an egg hatches, whereas pupa is formed from larva. • During the incomplete metamorphosis, larva is followed by pupa, whereas pupa is followed by adult stage.

The larval and pupal stages of an insect's development are consecutive but very different. Obtect. Learn the 5 Forms of Insect Pupae. Types of Pupa Pupa is a non feeding and inactive stage of insect between the larva and adult with complete metamorphosis. In obtect pupae, the insect's appendages are fused or "glued" to the body wall as the exoskeleton hardens. Decticous Pupa: In this of pupa… The pupa is the seemingly sedentary, transformative form following the larval stage. Adecticous. Coarctate. • Larva is more active than pupa. Capri23auto/Pixabay. Going through both stages to …

• Usually larva causes huge damages to agricultural crops than pupa. 1. What is the difference between Larva and Pupa? The larva is generally a worm-like creature that emerges from the egg, the first life stage. Decticous. Many ... Exarate. The insect pupae are classified into two types on the basis of mode of emergence of adults from the pupal case.