weird light in the sky tonight florida

Close. Irregular pulsing/flashing light moving across the night sky March 26, 2018. Sky map showing night sky tonight in Orlando, Florida, USA. ORANGE COUNTY (KABC) -- Some Eyewitness News viewers reported seeing unusual lights in the sky over Southern California late Thursday night. Night sky, June 2020: What you can see this month [maps] ... find out what's up in the night sky tonight (Planets Visible Now, ... it's only 25 light-years distant.

Please help me with what I saw last night ... add an infra-red camera along with an infra-red spotlight to light up the night sky.

Irregular pulsing/flashing light moving across the night sky March 26, 2018. 31. Posted by 2 years ago. Witness. Where is Mars, Saturn or Venus? Witness. Strange lights in the Denver sky were reported by dozens of 9NEWS viewers - FAA says they are part of the SpaceX satellite launch out of Cape Canaveral, Florida.

Bright lights streaking across the South Florida sky sparked questions early Wednesday morning. What planets are visible? No, it’s not planes flying in formation or a meteor shower. Archived. We’re getting many calls and emails from WGN viewers who say they spotted a strange string of lights crossing the night sky on Sunday. What is the bright star in the sky?

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